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二月标志着美国黑人历史月的开始, an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a tribute to the significant contributions Black men and women have made, 不仅对美国的文化结构,而且对世界的文化结构.

今年,我们以新的活力纪念BHM,以确保我们在种族平等方面取得有效进展. 为了纪念这个月, Wood团队的成员分享了对他们的生活产生重大影响的事件的故事, 无论是个人还是职业, 塑造了他们的生活经历.


我出生在特立尼达,十几岁时搬到了伦敦. 在回到特立尼达之前,我在那里生活了10多年, 在那里我开始在石油和天然气行业工作了几年. 后来,在得到Wood的工作邀请后,我搬到了休斯顿.

kind Sandy图片由于我是印度和非洲混血的不同背景, 我在加勒比海长大,在伦敦和欧洲生活了这么多年, 我非常重视并认识到接纳“他者”——其他文化的重要性, 其他种族, 其他社会地位, 经济环境. 我们都在这里学习,我们从彼此身上学到很多东西.

对我来说,包容仅仅意味着接触. 每个人都有同样的机会吗? 通往这些机会的道路是否没有任何体制障碍或个人偏见? When I first decided to move from the people and organisation department and into the operations arm of the business, there were people who told me this would be unlikely but there were also many others including some senior leaders who encouraged me to go for it. 我就是这么做的, 从那时起,我就对公司产生了真正的影响, 包括增加收入和改善客户关系. 鼓励是一种包容. How do we encourage others especially those who do not see themselves represented in senior management roles or who may view certain opportunities as unattainable?

Navigating race in the United States as an immigrant who is viewed as a Black woman has been life changing for me. 它让我看到了非裔美国人和少数族裔所面临的一小部分问题. 这段经历改变了我, and I am 现在 a part of an organisation which seeks to empower young girls and minorities from underprivileged backgrounds through educational grants, 指导项目, 以及其他举措.

我只是通过以身作则来促进包容. 作为管理者, 通过在我的团队中创造一种尊重和开放的文化,我能够产生真正的影响. 互相扶持是很重要的, 显示仁慈, 与他人接触,更多地了解他们和他们的经历, 保持开放的心态,但最重要的是审视自己内心的偏见,并更加意识到它们,从而做出改变.



我是玛丽亚·霍金斯,在Alpharetta办公室工作,担任人力资源服务专员. I’m a graduate of Clemson University in South Carolina with a degree in 日本 language and business administration.

The opportunity to join the Wood team a year ago was exciting as I was keen to gain more experience in the human resources field. 我可能没有我的一些队友经验丰富,但我的投入和贡献并不会少.

我认为我的语言背景和爱好, 包括烘焙, 缝纫来升级衣服,做角色扮演, 以及我对日本流行歌曲和舞蹈的热爱, 是什么让我与众不同.玛丽亚·霍金斯的照片

对我来说, inclusion and belonging mean that I’m able to be a part of a group or organization or in a space where I don’t have to worry about being thought of differently or not considered for an opportunity  because of prejudices.

I feel welcome at Wood thanks to my team-mates and other colleagues who have worked to make sure I feel involved. 不幸的是, 我经历了生命中的许多阶段,感觉自己没有被包容或完全被接受, 但我的父母教育我要持之以恒, 即使在这些空间里, 为了实现自己的目标,为自己腾出空间. Because of that I work to be a personable colleague while also staying true to me so that I am accepted for who I am.

我试着和我遇到的每个人交流, 我最喜欢的做法是用我做的糖果和糕点给别人吃. 每当有新的团队成员时,我都会不遗余力地帮助他们认识办公室里的每个人.

我致力于鼓励更多的人站出来反对不恰当和消极的行为. I feel we could do even better if we stopped being afraid to stand up for one another in situations in which intolerance is amplified or emboldened.

除了通过自我照顾来维持我的健康, 确保我的个人愿望在眼前对我来说也很重要. I often reach out to colleagues I’ve k现在n over the years and have also spoken with my supervisors and mentors regarding my professional goals and aspirations.

Wood has shown me there really are businesses that are actively trying to achieve inclusivity in various ways. 只要有足够多的好人朝着美好的目标努力, 那么理想的工作环境就近在咫尺了.


我来自新奥尔良, Louisiana and my technical background is in environmental geochemistry with degrees from Millsaps College and Temple University.

在路易斯安那出生和接受教育给我带来了挑战,我总是觉得自己被排斥在教室里. 然而, hard work and dedication which was directed by my parents gave me the opportunity to obtain Bachelor of Science and Masters college degrees. 我把这种奉献精神带到我的职业生涯中,每天与我的团队分享我的动力和动力.泰勒·琼斯照片

我是WREN(伍德的种族和民族网络)的活跃成员,伍德的包容从我开始. 在这里的18个月里, I have promoted five women within my part of the organization into leadership positions to create the team diversity needed to grow a successful business.

My drive and energy at work come from continuous development of relationships with clients and mentoring and developing staff. 我的核心价值观包括我的家庭和友谊、职业道德和健康的生活方式. My family values as well as my ability to lead and interact with diverse teams while maintaining high energy and a positive attitude make me a unique individual.

在一位大学顾问的指导下,我加入了这个行业. 拥有25年的咨询经验, I started in the environmental remediation market then moved into the water market focusing on disaster recovery and hazard mitigation projects. 我重视客户的需求,并将始终专注于提供具有市场价值的高质量产品, 咨询师看待业务的独特方式是什么.

指导和培养关键人才对我来说很关键,这也是我让别人感到被包容的方式.  Providing growth opportunities for staff is vital to the success of our business and I promote this with my leadership team. I want a team around me that is willing to make the decisions needed to develop an efficient operation and create a culture that is driven by proactive business development.

我继续在我的领导团队中推动战略、增长和业务发展.  如果你的生意没有增长,那就是在萎缩,只是你没有意识到.

To maintain my wellbeing I start each day with a physical activity to get my brain started followed by communication with my Wood network to ensure that my team and I are connected with our local market and the “One Wood” concept. 我也继续专注于通过获得专业认证来发展我的职业生涯.

Mariamawit Yirsalign

我是埃塞俄比亚人,在首都亚的斯亚贝巴出生和长大. 我父母都是第一代大学毕业生. 他们把教育视为一种珍贵的商品,并确保我能得到最好的教育.

I was extremely fortunate to attend a very diverse international school representing more than 40 nationalities hailing from all corners of the globe: a true macrocosm of our world. This early experience opened my understanding of our diverse world and our unique traits that shape the fabric of our lives.

我搬到圣地亚哥参加一个本科项目,并想毕业后离开. 命运号另有安排,现在这里是我们小家庭的家.134954图片

2007年,我加入了Wood的水资源部门. 我一直对净水有特殊的兴趣, 水利工程, 我知道我想在一家工程公司工作. 我交了很多好朋友,学到了很多东西,我期待着更多的冒险.

Each challenge offers a unique learning experience and I strive to perfect the steps to succeed so I can share the k现在ledge to others. 帮助别人是我的信条. 无论是职业的还是个人的, 知道我的支持和指导帮助别人实现或超越目标让我充满活力.

我承认自己的错误,并公开地与周围的人分享,这样我的经验就能帮助他们成长. 从小就开始, 我被提醒,诚实和尊重将使我的意识清醒,我的心充实. 奉献、平等和负责任是使我完整的价值观.

对我来说,包容就是在本地和全球舞台上的归属. 我把包容定义为有意识地为所有人提供一个平台. We all have unique skills that can complement our team or project needs and help us achieve the greater goal.

有无数次,我觉得自己没有被包括在内. 然而,我利用每一次机会来获得更多的力量,而不是摔倒. 它使我成为一个更坚强、脸皮更厚的人.

I am lucky to be part of Wood and work with a great team of professionals that welcome my expertise and experience and maintain an inclusive environment to allow everyone the opportunity to create and deliver quality results.

我在一个非常多元化和包容的环境中长大. 培养这种文化是我的第二天性,在伍德复制这种文化并不复杂, 我们的多元化和全球化的员工队伍使这一切变得更加容易. I have an innate ability to understand the needs of others and I find myself having frank and open discussions with my colleagues – and when needed, 为信任和保密的谈话提供安全的空间.

现在,我们的互动比以往任何时候都对我们的绩效和交付至关重要. 我们已经过渡到一个无缝的远程工作环境, 但缺乏日常交流和友情会产生重大影响. 我每天一开始就和我的团队联系,并继续和他们聊天. 这有助于我们在工作生活中保持连续性和常态. 我承诺将继续全力支持我们实现目标.

认识到每一种背景和经历都是为我们的个性调味的香料是很重要的. 我们都有独特的才能,可以用来取得卓越. 我们都遵循着一条独特的道路到达那个层次.

      为了我们的共同目标团结起来,为世界上最严峻的挑战找到解决方案, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.